Issue 5.1 (2020)
A Fishwife’s Song of Incredulous Burn by Ravitte Kentwortz
Glacier Imitation by Stephen Siperstein
La Frontera by Christian Woodard
Swamp by Maricela Guerrero, translated by Andrew Adair
Balk by David Axelrod
breathless by Nina Bhatt
After the Storm by Caroline Collins
skating after many moons by Marybeth Holleman
Witness by Naomi Ernest
Palouse 1 and Palouse 2 by Brian Kohl
Gift by Tara K. Shepersky
Pawpaw Elegy by Todd Davis
Turnip, Pulled by Michael Brosnan
Joe Klementovich
Watercolors by Jim O’Donnell
Moon Sycamore by Carolyn Oliver
Dead Standing by John Thomson
Trip to Town by D. Slayton Avery
Fall Cutting by Daniel Miller
Reasons to Carry Bear Spray by Sarah Capdeville
Wading Toward Willamette by Joseph Lezza
Pitcher Plants, Kisatchie National Forest by Wes Jamison
Noxious Animals by Eric Atkisson
Dispatches from the Middle of the Night by Tara K. Shepersky
Geologic Cure by Charlotte Gross
Spotted Lanternfly by Anisa George
A Newcomer's Guide to Recycling in Missoula by Abby Seethoff
Jennifer Case
Building a Pond by Mara Adamitz Scrupe
April Anson, interviewed by Jenna Gersie
Allison Hutchcraft, interviewed by Amie Whittemore
Book Reviews
Wander-Thrush by David Crews, reviewed by Jenny Wong
The Bones of Winter Birds by Ann Fisher-Wirth, reviewed by Stephen Black
Fishing Through the Apocalypse: An Angler’s Adventures in the 21st Century by Matthew L. Miller, reviewed by Mark Spitzer