Amber Rollinson
Godrevy Seals
My art is about the stories within landscapes and the idea of place.
Mangrove Trees
Using the cyanotype process, I aim to bridge the gap between photography and art, giving my cyanotypes a painterly effect, while remaining dependent on sunlight and the elements for exposure.
Late One Night
A piece can take anything from ten minutes to all day depending on the strength of the sunlight. In this way, each piece is completely connected to the environment and weather conditions it is made in.
Once exposed, I often tone my images in natural toning baths such as tea or coffee to achieve different color effects. Cyanotyping suits my aims because, being so process driven, a narrative is created during the image’s own production.
In the Mountains
Amber Rollinson
Amber Rollinson is completing her master of studies in creative writing at Oxford. She writes poetry and fiction and has had writing featured by various online and print publications, including Epoque Press, Channel Magazine, Cabinet of Heed, The Common Breath, The Adriatic, Green Ink, and Pulp Poets Press. Her debut pamphlet is due out with Broken Sleep Books in 2022. She has also had artwork featured by Neon Magazine, The Common Breath, Streetcake Magazine, Epoque Press, and Quince. She can be found on Instagram @wild_log.