
Andrew Adair


Suus Agnes

Visual: The ways we speak

Ashia Ajani

Yet Another Poem About Denver

Jay Alexander

Visual: Contemporary Interpretation of Classical Chinese Art Themes
plum blossom (Issue V)

Scott Edward Anderson

Becoming (from Dwelling: an ecopoem,
Honorable Mention for the 2017 Hopper Poetry Prize)

Elizabeth Anguamea

Another Barnacled Doll

Mary Ardery

The Darkest Time of the Year

Philip Arnold

Visual: Boneyard, Hunting Island, South Carolina

Eniola Abdulroqeeb Arowolo


Eric Atkisson

Noxious Animals

D. Slayton Avery

Trip to Town

David Axelrod

Summer Evenings in the Grande Ronde (Issue II)
Apostles of Imminence (from Cold Mornings of the Northern Spring,
Runner-Up for the 2019 Hopper Poetry Prize)


Matthew James Babcock

Short Discourse on Species (Issue II)

Maggie Blake Bailey

Dusk (Issue I)
Reservoir (Issue I)

Joe Balaz

Start Talking Dolphin (Issue V)

Vrinda Baliga

The Beached Whale

Cathy Barber


Brit Barnhouse

Loomings (Issue III)

Jai Hamid Bashir

Us, Again in Arches (Issue V)

Jack B. Bedell

Another Night, Just

Stevie Belchak

Just Feathers and Bones

Kyce Bello

Grass Widow (from Refugia, Runner-Up for the 2018 Hopper Poetry Prize)

Fatma Benkirane

Visual: Priority to Chance

Anne Bergeron

Waterside (Issue III)

Beka Bevans

Weathering the Storm

Anisha Bhaduri


Nina Bhatt


Rhony Bhopla

I Would Have Said to My Mother This Spring
My Mother Said to Me Last Spring

Hannah Mae Bissell

Monarch (Issue II)
Daybreak Chorus (from Heartwood,
Honorable Mention for the 2019 Hopper Poetry Prize)

Sebastian Bitticks

Galen Clark Recalls Sunrise Over the High Sierras (Issue III)

Ralph Black

Apiarial (from Bloom and Laceration, Winner of the 2017 Hopper Poetry Prize)

Stephen Black

Heirlooms: Watershed Redemption by Diana Hartel
Heirlooms: The Bones of Winter Birds by Ann Fisher-Wirth

Lydia Boehm

Visual: Plant and Floral Figures

Karen Boissonneault-Gauthier

A Negative Heart (Issue II)
Waiting to Embrace (Issue II)

Betsy Bolton

Worm sex

Bryan Boodhoo

Insects and Arbour

Jemma Borg

Shadows and warriors

Heather Bourbeau

Readying the Return

Despy Boutris

In This Green-Stained Pasture

Rachel Bower

Jelly Bloom

Zoe Boyer


Mark Brazaitis

The Miracle Tree

Joanna Brichetto

What White Tree is Blooming Now (Issue III)
Dragonfly, Secondhand (Issue V)

Zoë Brigley

Blind Horse Elegy (from Letter to a Horse's Head, Runner-Up for the 2018 Hopper Poetry Prize)

Linda Briskin

Visual: aqua botanica
Visual: Intimate Conversations

Michael Brosnan

Turnip, Pulled

Mikita Brottman

Beautiful Ruins

Ada Brown

Halcyon Days (Issue V)

Alisha Brown

I arrived at the body

Julie Phillips Brown

Substrata (from The Adjacent Possible, Winner of the 2019 Hopper Poetry Prize)

Stefano Buckley

This Sea Has Feasted on Forests

Rachel Burlock

Buller Greenhouse

Vivian Calderón Bogoslavsky

Visual: Identifying the Stains

Julia María Schiavone Camacho

Monsoon Valediction

Lauren Camp

Face, Circle, Abundant
Various Companions (Issue IV)
Hush Point

Roger Camp

Visual: Fallen Angels
Orange Clock Vine (Thunbergia gregorii) (Issue V)
Spring Crocuses (Crocus nudiforus) (Issue V)

Sarah Capdeville

Reasons to Carry Bear Spray

A. Henry Carnell

someday your animal

Lia-Lucine Cary

Visual: Deep Sea Creatures

Jennifer Case

Visual: Climate Collage Postcards

Mason Cashman

Strawberries & Cream

Donna Castañeda

To the Woman Who Feeds the Cottontail Rabbits

Kate Chappell

Pantoum for Spring Peepers

Jess Cherofsky

Visual: Nine Photographs

Rina Garcia Chua

200 Nautical Miles

Allisonn Church

Country Letters

Acie Clark

They were starlings

Harry Clough


Brian D. Cohen

Orb (Issue II)
Nest (Issue II)
Tree Trunk I (Willow) (Issue I)
Tree Trunk II (Douglas Fir) (Issue I)
Tree Trunk III (Douglas Fir) (Issue I)
Tree Trunk IV (Maple) (Issue I)

Whale (Issue II)

Caroline Collins

After the Storm

Erika Connor

A Gathering of Crows (Issue IV)
A Feather from the Crows (Issue IV)

Erin Conway

Stolen (Issue IV)

Sandy Coomer

Archipelago (Issue III)
Hemisphere (Issue III)
Lake Superior (Issue III)
Pebble Beach (Issue III)

Will Cordeiro

Twilight on the River

Brittney Corrigan

The Lighthouse

Róisín Á Costello

The Sea Has Many Names

Candace R. Craig

The Sins of the Fathers

William C. Crawford

High Tension Juice Heading for LA, Hoover Dam (Issue I)
Hooded View of Death Valley Crater (Issue I)

David Crews

On Wilderness: Rethinking Climate Crisis
To dream, swim (from Incantation, Honorable Mention for the 2020 Hopper Poetry Prize)

Alyssa Crogan

Hobby Farming

Efren Laya Cruzada

Urban Whims of Some Birds

Jesse Curran

The Space Between: On Climate Change and Haiku Perception

Brendan Curtinrich

Tassel Hill

Frances Davis

Superfund (Issue V)

Noah Davis

Heron on Blood and Water (Issue II)

Todd Davis

Upon Finding a Skull (Issue II)
Pawpaw Elegy

Natalie Deam


Janine DeBaise

The Space Between (Issue IV)

Louis Dennis

Crocuses (Issue V)
Orange Hibiscus (Issue V)

Prickly Pear (Issue V)
Red Hot Pokers (Issue V)

Erin Despard

The Year of Seeing Green

M. C. Benner Dixon

The Ones Who Run

Elizabeth Dodd

In the Cabinet of Wonders (from In the Cabinet of Wonders, Honorable Mention for the 2018 Hopper Poetry Prize)
Boson Particles, Light Snow (Issue IV)

Maximiliane Donicht

Vis Inertiae

Alexis Doshas

Abandoned Trailer & Cemetery (Issue III)
Butterfly Meeting (Issue III)
Poppy Seed Heads (Issue III)

Donelle Dreese

Rachel Carson at Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Young Rachel Carson (from Organelle, Honorable Mention for the 2018 Hopper Poetry Prize)
Small Towns (from Organelle, Honorable Mention for the 2019 Hopper Poetry Prize)

Benjamin DuBow


Danielle Dubrasky

Venus (from Lighting Out for the Invisible, Runner-Up for the 2020 Hopper Poetry Prize)

Barbara Duffey

Wyoming Litany

Clair Dunlap

Pond in the Woods (1922) (Issue V)

Julie Dunlap

Heirlooms: Sudden Spring by Rick Van Noy

Ryler Dustin

Homestead (Issue IV)

Sara Dykman

Catching Frogs

Kristin Dykstra

Where the north lies. (from Dissonance / Its Ridgelines, Honorable Mention for the 2020 Hopper Poetry Prize)

Meg Eden

Things to Do in My Hometown: Higashimatsushima (from Drowning in the Floating World, Runner-Up for the 2018 Hopper Poetry Prize)

Melissa Eleftherion

The Hierophant as Brown Marmorated Stink-Bug

Aaron El Sabrout

Fairy Bells

Renee Emerson

Spring Felling

Dawn Erickson


Naomi Ernest


Jean Anne Feldeisen

A chance to spring

Robert Fillman

Learning to Care

Nicholas Finch

Green Tomatoes

Johanna Finnegan-Topitzer

Visual: Wildlife Illustration

H. E. Fisher

Ocean: An Autobiography
Sound Fossil

Jeffrey Flannery

The Quarry (Issue I)

Danielle Fleming

The Language of Birds

Catherine Fletcher

20Ca (Issue V)

Alice B Fogel

Song of Frost

Lucas Foglia

Visual: Human Nature

David R. Forman


Kadi Franson

Visual: Chokestones

Mike Freeman

Traffic (Issue III)

Melynda Fuller

The Whole of the Moon (Issue II)

Molly Fuller

Fractals of Skin Hunger (Issue V)

Andrew Furman

Summer Animals (Issue II)

Michael Garrigan

Coal Country Paradise (Issue V)

Thea Gavin

Hiking Across Grand Canyon Alone At Night Barefoot

Emma Geary

Visual: Photography

Anisa George

Spotted Lanternfly

Nina George


Mimi German

Afflicted (from Eyes of Horse Hair, Honorable Mention for the 2020 Hopper Poetry Prize)

Katrina Gersie-Spronk

Heirlooms: One Size Fits None by Stephanie Anderson

Matthew Gigg

Tomato: Heirloom Manitoba

Jessica Gigot

On-Farm Research

Caitlin Gildrien

Surface Tension
The Secret to Getting the Ants Off the Peonies

Raquel Vasquez Gilliland

The Fisherchild (Issue III)

Charity Gingerich

The Afterlife of Lepidoptera (from After June, Winner of the 2018 Hopper Poetry Prize)

Sarah Giragosian

Gift of Ammonite

Ben Goldfarb

Last Watch (Issue II)

Emma Goldgar

Visual: Mother Nature
Hireath (Issue V)
Werifesteria (Issue V)

Heather E. Goodman


Benjamin Goodridge

Ice Walking (Issue I)

Andrew Gottlieb

Late Winter: Metrics for the Indistinct (from Tales of a Distance, Honorable Mention for the 2018 Hopper Poetry Prize)

Robin Gow

I’ll name myself moss rock

Samaré Gozal

Visual: Ett tyst år / A Silent Year
Visual: Tre Vattenfall

Lauren Grabelle

Visual: Natural Boundaries
Elephant, W. 33rd Street (Issue III)
Galápagos Giant Tortoise, Museum of Natural History (Issue III)
Giraffe, Bronx Zoo (Issue III)
Penguins, Central Park Zoo (Issue III)

Nicole Grace

The Frog Chorus

John Grant

Visual: Little Creatures

Charlotte Gross

Geologic Cure

Maricela Guerrero


Amy Guidry

Visual: In Our Veins
Issue III Cover Art: Sustain

Carolyn Guinzio

Visual: Leaf

Lydia Copeland Gwyn

Raspberry Picking

Sekyo Nam Haines

Falling Flower 2

Gabriela Halas

I become then
Hunting with My Father

Kenia D. Hale

Data That Chills

Lena Hari

The Presence of Water

Christopher Harris

Chestnut Tree (North Dartmouth, MA) (Issue V)
Monkeypod Tree (Papaikou, HI) (Issue V)
Sweetwater Wetlands (Tucson, AZ) (Issue V)

Maple Tree (Seattle, WA) (Issue V)

JoeAnn Hart

Terizen (Issue II)
Reef of Plagues

David Hawkins

Excellent Sphagnum

Kathleen Hellen

As If It Were a Child

Beric Henderson

Nestling (Issue IV)
Tree of Man (Issue IV)
Issue IV Cover Art: Family Tree
Visual: Oceans

Anna Hengstberger


Kale Hensley

Chigger Chug

Molly Herring


Billie Hinton

To The Grassy Bald We Named Sweet Bay

Jennifer Steensma Hoag

Visual: Compromised Beauty

Amy Hoagland

Visual: Scope of the Natural

Emily Alta Hockaday

Triolet (Issue III)

Marybeth Holleman

skating after many moons

Matt Holsopple

The Treachery of a Photograph

Natalie Homer

Under the Broom Tree (from Under the Broom Tree,
Honorable Mention for the 2019 Hopper Poetry Prize)

Ray Hudson

Heirlooms: Telling My Father by James Crews

Henry Hughes

Florida’s Slippery Dicks

Marcia Hurlow

The Grace of Loss (from To All Appearances, Runner-Up for the 2020 Hopper Poetry Prize)

Iqbal Hussain

To Climb Steep Hills

Rhiannon Inman-Simpson

Visual: Iceland

Alyssa Irizarry

Cobra Skull (Issue II)
Hummingbird Skull (Issue II)

Octopus (Issue I)
Squid I (Issue I)

Visual: Querencia

Nicholas James

Room for Craft: James Crews

Russell James

The Cape

Wes Jamison

Pitcher Plants, Kisatchie National Forest

Sheniz Janmohamed

Dust, Fire, and Rain

Melissa Jean


Joe Jiménez

And what if I’m not more than any of this? (Issue III)
Still Life of a Monte Unwilling to Be Anyone's Death
(from Beastlight, Runner-up for the 2017 Hopper Poetry Prize)

Christopher Johnson

Acadia National Park: A Confession
A Wander on Monadnock

Elsa Johnson

Moonstuck (from The Wind Speaks, Winner of the 2020 Hopper Poetry Prize)

Madison Jones

Vacation at the End of the World (Issue V)

Rebecca Kanaskie

Visual: Space / / Place

Aris Katsilakis

Mutation II (Issue II)

Talley V. Kayser

Cuttings (Issue I)
Room for Craft: Michael Branch
Notes from the End of the Affair
A Better Animal (Issue IV)

Jolie Kaytes

Reading Palms

Maura Kelly


Jenny Kendler

Spawning III (Upstream) (Issue I)
Whooping Cranes with Polluted Sky (Issue I)

Ravitte Kentwortz

A Fishwife’s Song of Incredulous Burn

Brandon Kilbourne

Rhinoceros Relic

Elia Anie Kim

My Arachnid Neighbor

Kathleen Kimball-Baker

The DNA of Home

Joe Klementovich

Visual: Headwaters

Eli J. Knapp

Searching for a Landscape Identity

Brian Kohl

Palouse 1
Palouse 2

Nikki J. Kolb

Jaw Pressure (Issue IV)

Ted Kooser

A Summer Linden (Issue II)
At Dusk, in December (Issue IV)

Kateri Kosek

Wreck of the Michigan: An Inquiry (Issue III)

Molly Kugel


Adrie Kusserow

Hush, Humans (Issue V)

Brian Laidlaw

Dyno Simulator: Rock Climbing & Ecopoetic Practice

Linda Laino

Nest (Issue III)
Offering #2 (Issue III)

Susanna Lang


Heather Lang-Cassera

Wanting Water

Alexis Lathem

Not This

Pastoral (Issue I)
Penelope’s Resistance

Colette Lawlor

Ballast Water (Issue III)

Mercedes Lawry

Wild Horse Island, August 2020

Ian Lee

Rest (Issue V)

Kamakshi Lekshmanan

Visual: Aloft

Clare Walker Leslie

Visual: A Year in Nature

Jim Lewis

contrails (Issue I)

Joseph Lezza

Wading Toward Willamette

Xiaoly Li

Winter Coleus
Unsung, Five Cinquains

Kali Lightfoot

Heirlooms: The Library of Ice

Barbara Liles

What Would Emily Say? (Issue V)

Nicholas Littman

Two Ways to Take

David Lloyd

Open House (Issue III)

Kendrick Loo

Kangkong | 空心菜

Nancy Lord

Whose Words These Are (Issue III)

Yvonne Love

Visual: Quiet Memories

Jane Lovell

La Sélune (Issue III)

Mark Luebbers

Laura Ingalls Wilder, Age 5, Considers the Causes of Exile and Migration (Issue III)

Sherry Luo


Jeanne Lutz

Home Variations (from Until the Kingdom Comes,
Runner-Up for the 2019 Hopper Poetry Prize)

Janet MacFadyen

Just This

Brandi Malarkey

Snake Skin (Issue V)
Issue V Cover Art: Swallowtail (Protesilaus glaucolaus) and Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)

Ken Malatesta

Yesterday’s Eden

Farzana Marie

Ghazal: Quilt (Issue I)

Jeremy Nathan Marks


Anna Martin

Visual: Dichord

Robert Martin

Visual: Ruralcore, Rural Queer

Samantha Martin-Bird

the neighbourhood

Sam Masler

Illustrations (Issue I)
First Chanterelle
Polistes carolina
Ghazal: Quilt

Sara Massidda

And we’ll be there (Issue III)

Jerry D. Mathes II

Sailing in the Fog

Ramsey Mathews

Long Beach Oblations

Grant McClure

Polistes carolina (Issue I)

Meridith McClure

Visual: Biobroidery

Micah Daniel McCrotty

Quarter Turn

Beth McDermott

Raised Bed

Anne Haven McDonnell

The Woman Who Held a Fish in Her Hands (from Breath on a Coal, Runner-Up for the 2020 Hopper Poetry Prize)
Love Poem for a Friend (Issue V)

Daniel McGee


Eliza McGowen

Thirteen Ways of Looking at the Ocean (Issue II)

Heidi McKinley

Midwestern Drive

T. J. McLemore

Room for Craft: Jorge Perez-Gallego

Lucien Meadows

Portrait of My Father as Icarus

Paul Anthony Melhado

Alley Pine (Issue IV)
Kissena Back Lot (Issue IV)
Kissena Trees (Issue IV)
Winter lake (Issue IV)

Michelle Menting

To Skin Bare

H. Lee Messina

Visual: Collage

Vanessa Micale

Smoke Will Follow You

Emily K. Michael

Kiwano (from Natural Compliance,
Honorable Mention for the 2016 Hopper Prize for Young Poets)
Working Resonance: Concerto for Guide Dog, Handler, and World

Ben Michelman

My Mom Takes My Nine-Month-Old Son to Put Down Her Dog

Jessica Miles

Command Q

Amy Miller

These Horses Will Not Be Harnessed
Instructions for Entering Paradise (Issue V)
For a Laid-Off Worker

Caroline Miller

Badlands (Issue I)
Hollow (Issue I)
Overset (Issue I)

Daniel Miller

Fall Cutting

John MacNeill Miller

Mudpuppy Run

Caroline Misner

Signs of Sacred Places

Jason R. Montgomery

Visual: “Death of Lake Cahuilla”

Ellene Glenn Moore

At Carinae Viñedos, Mendoza (from The Dark Edge of the Bluff,
Runner-Up for the 2016 Hopper Prize for Young Poets)

Sophia Moss

Unclean: What Foraging Wild Fungi Taught Me About Impurity Culture

Ruth Nakamura

Being Oyamel

Martha Nance

Admiring a night’s work, My Yard, Minnesota (Issue V)
Bright sunshiny day, My Yard, Minnesota (Issue V)

Rodney Nelson

The Day of Saint Richard of Wyche

Mary Newell

A Bias Toward the Beneficial (Issue II)

Shelby Newsom

For the Young (Issue IV)

Jessica Ng

Black White Gold Mountain

Shilo Niziolek


Mitchell Nobis

Field Trees (from We Hold These Truths,
Runner-Up for the 2019 Hopper Poetry Prize)

It’s All High Tide Now

Lisa Novick

Relationship is Everything (Issue V)

Tom Nutting

The Sea and the Boy

Rachyl Nyoka

Visual: Voidspace

Paulina Bianca Ocampo

The Sea King’s Daughter in the Post-Colonial

Donna O’Connell-Gilmore

The Meal (Issue II)

Salaam Odeh

on surrender

Jim O’Donnell

The Perfect Wheel

Carolyn Oliver

Moon Sycamore

Irene Hardwicke Olivieri

Reverie of the seals (Issue III)

Ned Olmsted

Bear-Proof Storytelling

Tyra Olstad

Topophilia (Issue II)

Rina Olsen

My Grandfather Says the Polar Bears Are Coming Soon

Tyler Orion

Post-Surgery Exposure to Wind, Water

Ana Martínez Orizondo

Visual: Tree Stories

Rita Orrell

Sir David Attenborough, I Think I Love You

Maia Pandey

Forehead in the sky

Aditya Pandya

The Rat Raft

Bobby Parrott

Synaptic Trees My Astral Arms

Emily Paskevics

Stray Dogs (Issue IV)

Emily Patterson

Thirteen Tornadoes

Margie Patlak

Out of Eden

Shalini Pattabiraman

counting blessings

Marissa Paysinger

The Difference Between the Map and the Bird

George Perreault


Katherine N. Peters

Dragonfly Timing

Jyothsna Phanija

Seeing with Fingers

Sarah Platenius

Waterfall (Issue IV)
Water Bug (Issue IV)
We Are Held (Issue V)
For Snow (Issue V)
Visual: Uncharted Wonder

Kristen M. Ploetz

Waiting for the Hoarfrost
When the Cardinal Takes Flight (Issue I)

Mary Jane Pories

Visual: Flashes: Color Notes on Pleasure and Pain

Oormila Vijayakrishnan Prahlad

Visual: Mixed-Media Landscapes

Sean Prentiss

Cacophony of Quitting

Jessica Purdy

Stop, Don’t Stop

Gwendolyn Pryor

Visual: Waves

Erin Elkins Radcliffe

Pishing (Issue I)

Hui Ran

even a caged bird is free in the mind

Audacia Ray

Don’t Look at the Owls

Anna Reeve

Vegetable X

Kristen Staby Rembold

Long Ago (from Music Lesson, Honorable Mention for the 2017 Hopper Poetry Prize)
The Sower
Forest Bathing

Susan Richardson

Build (Issue II)

Hannah Richter


Meghan Rigali

Wishing Life (Issue I)

Mia Risberg

Visual: Quiet Times

Rebecca Ritter


José A. Rivera

Visual: Querencia

Laura Rockhold

Visual: Six Artworks

Ellie Rogers


Amber Rollinson

Visual: Cyanotypes

Morgan Rose

Queer Ecologies

Jenny Ruth

Burn It, Bury It, Send It Down River (Issue I)

Paige Ryan

The Seed

Pat Ryan

Distant Shores

John Saad

Safeguard (from Longleaf, Winner of the 2016 Hopper Prize for Young Poets)

Priyanka Sacheti

Photographing Flowers in a Winter Called the Pandemic

Htet T. San

Visual: The Frail Second
Natural Disasters (Issue IV)

Kasey Butcher Santana

Escape to the Hive: Keeping Bees to Keep Myself

Chris Schacht

Howling Things

Lisa Schantl


John Schmitz

Visual: Hedera Helix

Lisa Kahn Schnell

Visual: Revel:Reveal

Chantel Schott

Visual: Botanical Drawings

Mara Adamitz Scrupe

Visual: Mutational Coexistence
black bear story

Abby Seethoff

A Newcomer’s Guide to Recycling in Missoula

Sibani Sen

Tally for the Turn

Dave Seter

Stopping by Bombay Hook (Issue IV)

Hibah Shabkhez


Chris Sheehan

Half-Frightened Wild Animals

Tara K. Shepersky

Off-Base (Issue IV)
Dispatches from the Middle of the Night

Mona Shomali

Issue II Cover Art: Pesticide Trail

Kayann Short

Food for Bears (Issue I)
Swallowtail Summer

sid sibo

green crow gleaming

Jim Sienkiewicz

Visual: City of Industry

Dorsía Smith Silva

Cyclone #9

Leonora Simonovis

Can you Still Hear Them

Stephen Siperstein

First Chanterelle by an Old Hunting Road (Issue I)
Sound of Waves (Issue II)
Telling my Students About Hope (Issue II)

Glacier Imitation

Judith Skillman

Fire Behavior (Issue III)
Yakima River, October (Issue III)
Visual: Five Paintings
Glacial Moons (Issue V)

Rachel Sloan

The Lockdown Botanist

J.D. Smith

The Starfish (Issue I)
Questions on Toads (Issue I)

Michael Smith

Consider All the Possibilities (Issue II)

Shayla Smith

Them Iguanas Are My Friends

Megan Snyder-Camp

Concurrent Planning

Susan Solomon

Crow (Issue IV)

Adam Sonstegard

Skunk Whisperer I Am Not

Gwendolyn Soper

How to Sit with Petunias

Mark Spitzer

Heirlooms: Fishing Through the Apocalypse by Matthew L. Miller

Brett Ann Stanciu

Living in the Edge (Issue I)

Rebecca Starks

Measure My Song

Carol Steinhagen

Scale (Issue III)

Eric Fisher Stone

My Eighth Birthday
The Songs of Animals (Issue II)

Meredith Stricker

Writing like trees, writing with trees (Issue IV)
Paradise, That Other Place Residing Here (Issue V)

Heather Swan

Gem (Issue III)
Vespers (from Root Causes, Honorable Mention for the 2017 Hopper Poetry Prize)
After (Issue V)
Lake Edge, January

Suzanne Swanson

I am learning

Kelsey Swintek

Visual: Costa Rica
Issue I Cover Art

Ag Synclair


Christy Tending

Popsicles at the End of the World

Alice Thomas

Visual: River Rooms

John Thomson

Dead Standing

Don Thompson

Fruit trees next door (Issue I)
Night Walk (Issue II)
Palm Dairy (Issue I)
Solitary Bees (Issue II)

Kerry R. Thompson

Bloom (Issue II)
Europa (Issue II)
Treadmill (Issue II)
Ursul (Issue II)

Michael Thompson

Visual: Kites
Idyll and Eden (Issue V)

Natalie Tomlin

An Untestable Question (Issue III)

Leath Tonino

Northward (Issue III)

Heather Tourgee

Three Pounds

Alyssa Towns

Swamphouse, and Sitting It

Travis Truax

Driving Oklahoma Is Rarely Met with Much Excitement (Issue IV)

Brigit Truex

Genesis According to Stone (Issue III)
Traces (from The History of Water, Runner-Up for the 2017 Hopper Poetry Prize)

Bathsheba Veghte

Big Green (Issue III)

Natalie Vestin

We Were Here: Cigarette/Deadheads (Issue I)
We Were Here: Snake/Mandible (Issue I)


Jyothi Vinod

Sanctuary (Issue V)

Kelly Garriott Waite


Cynthia Scott Wandler

Wonderberry Jam (Issue I)

Chelsey Waters

Beneath Her Breath

Tim Weed

Heirlooms: To Look Out From by Dede Cummings

Jess Weitz

Visual: Elemental

Amy Weldon

The Serpent (Issue III)

Elizabeth J. Wenger

Cutting a Tree

Rebecca Stetson Werner

Day 12 (Issue IV)

Fran Westwood

North Fork Mountain (Issue V)

Joseph Harlan White

Insect Micrographs

Angelica Whitehorne

This Green Earth

Maya White-Lurie

2035 (Issue III)

Margaret Whitlock

To Be a Bear

Amie Whittemore

Room for Craft: Allison Hutchcraft

Amelia L. Williams

Department of Agriculture Photographer, 1943

Jess Williard

This Year
Succession (Issue III)
Succession (Issue III)

Rebekah Wolman

Days Measured in Hummingbirds

Jenny Wong

Heirlooms: Wander-Thrush by David Crews
Lilac Bush

Christian Woodard

La Frontera

Eun-mi Yang

The Last Days

Anthea Yip

Plant a Human (Issue IV)

John Yohe


Rebecca Young

Strange Wild Songs
How Stone Becomes a Flower Becomes a Song

Vey Yu

The Last Days

Isaac Yuen

Life Lessons from the Odd and Ancient

Patrick Zephyr

Jupiter and the Milky Way (Issue III)