





Snow falls over the river                    falls           

            out of the night sky into the night’s reflection


feathers in streetlights            silences

                 the streets the passersby

fills tire tracks and footprints             remembers

            nothing                        erases the marks of our passage


What did the leaves look like                         last week last month

            Who spoke                  what words did I hear


How did I answer                    What is the sound

            of my voice woven with others


Did the sparrows call              this morning

            from the innermost branches of the hedge


Susanna Lang

Susanna Lang’s chapbook, Self-Portraits, was released in October 2020 by Blue Lyra Press, and her translation of Baalbek by Nohad Salameh is forthcoming in 2021 from L’Atelier du Grand Tétras. Her third full-length collection of poems, Travel Notes from the River Styx, was published in 2017 by Terrapin Books. A two-time Hambidge fellow, her poems and translations have appeared or are forthcoming in Prairie Schooner, december, Delos, The Literary Review, American Life in Poetry, and The Slowdown.  Her translations of poetry by Yves Bonnefoy include Words in Stone and The Origin of Language, and she is now working with Souad Labbize on new translations. She lives and teaches in Chicago. Her website is susannalang.com.