
FALL 2022


Forest Bathing


The foreground’s beech-blurred.
I squint to read the tree bark alphabet.

Climbing up a woodland ridge, I hear
people speaking, maybe arguing. 

It’s only two Canada geese  
harrying a third away. 

Water swirls in the reservoir below: water and mud.  
A great blue heron speaks as he flaps overhead.  

We are small in a grove of mountain laurels.  

Flowers surround us, all lifted, all in bud,
a few clusters just opening.

We chuff up the path, mindful of ticks,
arms held close to our sides, 

yet I feel a longing to relax and let
branches brush, to feel at one with them.

The wind weaves past, whispering my name,
and my own voice comes, alive and urgent.

Painting of a forest

Forest by Christian Rohlfs (1900)



Kristen Staby Rembold

Kristen Staby Rembold is the author of two collections of poetry, The Harvesters, forthcoming from Future Cycle Press in January 2023, and Music Lesson (Future Cycle Press, 2019), as well as two poetry chapbooks and a novel. Find her at kristenrembold.com.